Submitted by Name: malory kirkpatrick From: rapid city south dakota E-mail: Contact
Comments: Im very sorry for your loss to everyone in dustin's family. He is an amazing kid and he had so much potential. Dustin always had a way to put a smile on your face no matter how bad you thought your day was going...even if you didnt think you could go on. Please keep in contact if you need anything im here. Your son is amazing and its tragic that you had to experince this loss.-malory kirkpatrick To all of the other family's your losses and storys are tragic as well. This website is a good way to raise awarness. God bless you all.
Added: November 3, 2009
Submitted by Name: Amber From: South Dakota E-mail: Contact
Added: November 3, 2009
Submitted by Name: Cheryl Wallace From: Marietta, Georgia E-mail: Contact
Comments: I think of all the families that have lost loved ones each and every day. If there was anything I could ever do to stop this insanity, I wish I knew how. My son Chad, 21 died July of 2008 of a heroin overdose. He was the light of my life, as I am sure everyone on this website was the light of someone's life. My thoughts and prayers are with you......
Added: November 2, 2009
Submitted by Name: anna marie arredondo-wilson From: San Antonio, TXann E-mail: Contact
Comments: This is a very nice memorial. Keep up the good work.
Submitted by Name: Mike Slone From: USA
Comments: peace and blessings to everyone:
Submitted by Name: Mike Slone From: USA
Comments: he passed Oct 15, 07
Submitted by Name: kayla From: USA
Comments: I love this site. Thank you for doing this in honor of our loved ones whom we miss so very much.God Bless You All!!!!
Submitted by Name: Allison Cummings From: USA
Comments: I love this web site! Thank you for all you do. Justice will be served for everyone! Grew up in Washington; and knew Danielle. I now live in Nashville, Tennessee.
Submitted by Name: Tia Jensen From: USA
Comments: This is my most favorite site ever. I absolutley love it.
Submitted by Name: karlynn Neff From: USA
Comments: lived in washigton went to school with danielle
Name: malory kirkpatrick
From: rapid city south dakota
E-mail: Contact
Im very sorry for your loss to everyone in dustin's family. He is an amazing kid and he had so much potential. Dustin always had a way to put a smile on your face no matter how bad you thought your day was going...even if you didnt think you could go on. Please keep in contact if you need anything im here. Your son is amazing and its tragic that you had to experince this loss.-malory kirkpatrick
To all of the other family's your losses and storys are tragic as well. This website is a good way to raise awarness. God bless you all.